Saturday 18 May 2013

Day 1 of diving.

The diving and relaxing has begun :-). We have just finished our 2nd dive. The first was a check dive to check our weights and buoyancy and the second was on Panamara reef.  Lovely - it s good to be back in the water again :-). For me I have to say I think they are the most relaxing dives I e ever had and I also think I am appreciating it more as I was worried I wasn't going to be able dive due to my asthma but here I am - fantastic. I'm not sure how many pics I'm going to take as I want to just enjoy the diving - we will see :-). Well the sun is hot and the boat is going to the next dive site so I am going to finish this bit here and enjoy the sun and relax :-). Good timing as the food bell has just gone  and we have snacks :-).

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